Owens Organic Coffee

Owens Organic Coffee

Traceable, Ethically Sourced Coffee

Owens Coffee is an independent roaster producing high-quality specialty organic coffee. Since 2010, sustainability has driven Owens business mission and 100% organic Fairtrade-certified range. Proud to provide fully traceable, ethically sourced coffee.

About Owens Organic Coffee

We are an independent, family-run coffee roaster based in the beautiful region of South Devon and with an established reputation since 2010. We are dedicated to producing great-tasting, specialty coffee that is 100% organic and Fairtrade certified. We are committed to helping our customers make better coffee: better for them, better for communities (both at home in the UK and for those coffee farmers supplying our beans) and better for the planet.

Organic-Certified Coffee

All of our coffees are organically certified by the Soil Association. This means coffee farmers are committed to organic-farming practices using no chemical pesticides or fertilisers. However, it isn't only about this reassuring commitment to using no nasties! Water is a precious resource and organic-certified farmers must recycle their water supply with no draining onto land or into rivers around the farms. Organic coffee beans are shade-grown for slowly-ripened flavour and avoiding deforestation.

Fairtrade-Certified Coffee

All of our coffee range is also organically certified by the Fairtrade Foundation. This means that farmers are paid fair prices, PLUS they are supported as partners by their local Fairtrade organisations with training, excellent-quality advice AND by the Fairtrade Premium, which is an additional payment made on top of the price of the coffee and which the farmers can decide how best to utilise to support their businesses/communities.

Why Owens Organic Coffee?
  • Our coffee tastes GREAT!

  • We produce the UK's BEST Organic Coffee:

In 2019, Owens' Gara blend won the UK's Best Organic Coffee sub-category at the Soil Association's national BOOM Awards. In 2023, not one but all THREE of the coffees entered to the same awards were named finalists and our Rwandan Jabulani WON Best Organic Coffee.

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