
[wpuf_profile type="profile" id="1726"]

Unless there is an individual agreement in place all content submitted by the user should be considered to be already in the public domain and that you have obtained authorization to use the images and names of brands or other individuals apart from yourself. Content may be removed if objections or complaint are received regarding copyright or content used without consent.

A minimum subset of our terms and conditions include:

  • No illegal or fraudulent activity
  • No nudity, profanity or sexually explicit content
  • For commercial business use only
  • No slanderous, misrepresentation, offensive or what could be deemed ‘hate speech’ affecting any individual, group or organisation
  • No refund for paid content removed following a validated complaint
  • No hyperlinking to external sites beyond those submitted on your user account or as requested and validated through our admin
  • Refer to full Terms And Conditions 

All Free Digital Card submissions and updates can be done via My Cards. Custom and special order content are managed by direct contact requests.

Share-MyCard is designed as a Progressive Web App (PWA) to provide the best offline and online experience. There is a periodic ‘add to home screen prompt’  on page. For the best user experience use your devices ‘Add To Homepage‘ to install the app on your home page. Content owners get the best usability experience by being logged in. Please note: Apple (IOS) and Android devices have different approaches to adding to home screen.